


Absolutely. Your ability to cancel and any associated fees are determined by the property and outlined in your reservation's cancellation policy. Please note that you may be responsible for any additional costs as determined by the property.

If your reservation includes a free cancellation option, there won't be any charges. However, if your booking is no longer eligible for free cancellation or is non-refundable, there may be a cancellation fee. The specifics of any fees are determined by the property, and you'll be responsible for covering any additional costs.

Typically, canceling a non-refundable reservation incurs a charge. However, you may have the opportunity to request a waiver of the cancellation fee by submitting a free cancellation request through our booking management system. The property will review your request, and if approved, you can cancel without penalty. Keep in mind that date modifications are not possible for non-refundable reservations, but you may rebook for your preferred dates if your fee waiver request is successful.

Once you cancel your reservation, you should receive an email confirming the cancellation. Please check both your inbox and spam/junk folders for this confirmation. If you haven't received an email within 24 hours, please contact the property directly to ensure they have processed your cancellation.

Your reservation confirmation will include all pertinent details, including the property's cancellation policy. You can reference this document for any questions regarding cancellations or modifications to your booking.



Credit cards are the most widely accepted payment method for properties listed on Many properties also require users to provide a valid credit card to reserve bookings that aren’t paid for in advance.


Online payments

In many countries, offers several alternative payment methods (e.g. PayPal, Stripe, Razorpay) in addition to credit cards. In certain markets, also offers local payment methods (e.g. GCASH, Paymaya, etc.). The availability of digital payment methods may vary by country, region, and/or device used to book. We’ve listed the most common payment methods below.

Available payment methods

The availability of payment methods may vary according to country, currency, region, and/or device used to book.


Credit cards


  • MasterCard
  • Visa
  • American Express
  • Union Pay


Digital payment methods


  • PayPal
  • Stripe
  • Razor Pay



  • Paymaya
  • GoTyme

Some of our properties require a prepayment (i.e. a deposit) before you stay. This prepayment consists of the total cost of the booking or just part of it. The rest is paid when you stay at the property.

However, for some properties, there is no deposit required. You pay the amount in full when you stay at the property. Be sure to check the payment policies in your confirmation for more details.

In most cases, no action is required from you. As outlined in the payment policy for your booking, this is likely just a prepayment for all or part of the total cost.

If there is no prepayment policy, then the property may have taken a test payment from your card. This is a temporary hold used to guarantee your booking and will be returned to you.

If you still believe the charge is unexpected, you can contact us for assistance. We can only contact the property on your behalf after you submit proof of charge.

You'll find the payment policy in your booking confirmation, in the pricing section. This section also includes a price breakdown and the accepted payment methods.

Properties normally request this to guarantee your booking, and the card is often used to pay when you book. If you don’t need to make a prepayment, then they may hold an amount on your card to make sure it has sufficient funds. This test payment will be returned to you.

It's very likely, yes. Properties usually accept payment for a stay with a different card or cash. To confirm that paying with a different credit card is okay, contact the property.

Properties request this to confirm your reservation. You may be pre-authorized to ensure that your credit card is valid and has sufficient funds. In some cases, your details are used to pay for your stay when you book.

A pre-authorization is a temporary hold on an amount to ensure your card is valid and has sufficient funds. The amount held will be returned to your account after a certain period of time, depending on the property and your card provider.

Generally, the property is responsible for charging your card. If payment is instead handled by, this will be stated clearly in your booking confirmation.

You usually can expect to pay during check-in or check-out at the property. However, there are some exceptions, like properties that require a prepayment for all or some of the total amount. Again, this will be stated clearly in your confirmation and payment policies.

If there's no prepayment policy, it’s also possible that the property might take a test payment from your card before you stay. This is a temporary hold, that’s used to validate your card and guarantee your booking. Unlike a real charge, this test payment will be returned to your card.


Booking Details

You can find the room and property facilities in your booking confirmation.

It depends on the property's policy. Additional costs for children, including extra beds/cribs, aren't included in the reservation price. Contact the property directly for this info.

The property can provide you with an invoice for your stay, so please contact them directly.

Be sure to check your email inbox, spam, and junk folders. If you still can't find your confirmation, go to and we'll resend it to you.

Additional costs for children, if any, aren't included in the reservation price. Check with the property directly to see if and when you'll pay for your child(ren).

A double room has 1 double bed and a twin room has 2 single beds. If a room is called a double/twin, it can be set up for either type. The property will do its best to accommodate your needs.

This depends on the property who will do their best to meet your needs but can't guarantee your request. You can do either of the following:

A.  Request an early or late check-in/check-out

B.  Contact the property

8.  Can I make changes to my booking (i.e. change dates)?

Yes! You can make changes to your booking from your confirmation email or at Depending on the property's policy, you can do the following:

A.  Change check-in/out times

B.  Change dates

C.  Cancel booking

D.  Edit credit card details

E.  Change guest details

F.  Select bed type

G.  Change room type

H.  Add a room

I.  Add a meal

J.  Make a request

K.  Contact the property



For each reservation, provides a unique and anonymous alias email address for both you and the property. All messages sent to this alias email will be forwarded to the property, including links, images, and attachments (up to 15 MB).

For security purposes, has an automated system that monitors communication for malicious content. This includes spam and the limitation of certain file types, such as .zip, .rar and .exe.

Please be aware that email communication generated by the property will be sent on their behalf by cannot be held accountable for the content of the communication. If you suspect that the content of the communication is inappropriate, suspicious or contains spam, we ask that you report this information by clicking on the link at the bottom right corner of the email.

These communications will be stored by can access direct communications upon request from either you or the property, and if strictly necessary, for security or law enforcement purposes, such as fraud detection and prevention. may analyze communications to improve its services. If you don't want to monitor or store your direct communications made through, please do not use the direct communication feature offered by, including communication through alias email addresses.


Room Types

A Double Room has one double/full bed and a Twin Room has 2 twin beds. If a room is called Double/Twin, it can be set up for either type. You can specify your bed-type preference in the "Special Requests" box during the booking process.

Every room or property has an individual policy determined by the property.

A “non-refundable” policy means a fee will apply if you decide to change or cancel your booking. This fee is mentioned during the booking process in the conditions and in the booking confirmation.

A “free cancellation” policy means you can change or cancel a booking for free, as long as you do it within the time frame specified by the property (e.g. “Cancel up to x days” or “Cancel before mm/dd/yy hh:mm”). This is mentioned in the conditions during the booking process and in the booking confirmation.

Information about extra beds is found under “House Rules” on the property page when

you book.

Additional costs, if any, are not included in the reservation price.

When making a booking, you can request an extra bed in the “Special requests” box.

If you already made a booking, you can always request an extra bed via the link provided in the booking confirmation email.

We recommend contacting the property before arrival to make sure they have an extra bed available. You can find their contact details in the confirmation email and when you view your bookings in your account.

You can find info about extra beds and cribs under the "House Rules" on the property page when you book.

Added costs for children, if any, are not included in the reservation price.

When making a booking, you can request an extra bed or crib in the “Special requests” box.

If you already made a booking, you can always request an extra bed or crib via the link provided in the booking confirmation email.

We recommend contacting the property before arrival to make sure they have an extra bed or crib available. You can find their contact details in the confirmation email and your bookings in your account.

If you need us to resend your booking confirmation email, go to



Each room or accommodation you can book has its own breakfast policy. If breakfast is included, you'll see it listed on the property page when you compare different options to book. If breakfast isn’t included, you can see if the property provides it by checking its available facilities. After you book, this info can also be found in your confirmation email and in your bookings in your account.

All the facilities listed under the room or accommodation type are included in the price. You can also see if other things like breakfast, taxes, or service charges are included when you compare different options to book. After you book, this info can also be found in your confirmation email and in your bookings in your account.

The price we show is for the room for the entire length of the stay, unless otherwise stated in the room type and description.

This depends on the property and accommodation type, but it’s easy to see what’s included when you compare different options to book. Tax requirements change from country to country, so it’s always good to check. After you book, this info can also be found in your confirmation email and in your bookings in your account.

No, we don't charge any fees at all.

In the event of a crossed-out rate, we look at the prices currently being charged by the hotel in the 30-day window around your proposed check-in date. From the prices within this window, we display the third-highest price on offer as the crossed-out rate. To ensure we are making a fair comparison, we always use the same booking conditions (meal plan, cancellation policy and room type). This means that you get the same room for a lower price compared to other check-in dates at the same time of year.

No, you cannot use discount coupons when booking on our website. In such cases you will need to follow the instructions given by the organization issuing the coupon. provides the best available rates for the dates of your stay. It's not possible to have any further reductions on the price.

Find info about a property's children policy under “House Rules” on the property page when you book.

Any additional fees for children are not included in the reservation price.

When making a booking, you can request an extra bed or crib in the “Special requests”


If you already made a booking, you can always request an extra bed or crib via the link provided in the booking confirmation email.

We recommend contacting the property before you arrive to make sure they have an extra bed or crib available. You can find their contact info in the confirmation email and when viewing your bookings on your account.


Credit cards

In general, hotels can't accept a debit card to guarantee a booking. However, there are some exceptions. You'll be able see if it is possible during the booking process.

You'll need a valid credit card to guarantee your reservation with most properties. However, we offer a number of hotels that will guarantee your booking without a card. You can also make a booking by using someone else’s card, provided you have their permission. In this case, confirm the card holder’s name and that you have permission to use their card in the "Special requests" box when booking.

Pre-authorizations are common but are often confused with actual charges. While in- store purchases are immediately charged and deducted from your available balance, pre- authorizations are temporary holds. The length of the hold will vary, and your credit card company can advise you on how they handle this.

Your available balance will be reduced temporarily by the full amount of your reservation. You may also see “pending transactions” on your credit card account summary. If you’re not sure if your card has been pre-authorized, both the hotel and your credit card company can verify this.

Yes, but only if you have permission from the cardholder. When you make the booking, state that you’re using someone else’s card with their permission in the “Special requests” box. The property may require authorization from the cardholder. In the case of a no- show or late cancellation, any penalties will be charged to the card provided when the booking was made.

Your card provider can better explain this, along with the general terms and conditions associated with their pre-authorization procedures. These terms vary across the board, so it’s best to contact them for specific details.

In most cases, needs credit card details to confirm your reservation with the property. Your credit card may be checked (pre-authorized) to ensure its validity and that sufficient funds are available. After that, the full amount will be available to you again. In some cases, your credit card details will be used to process the payment for the reservation at the time of booking. Your credit card will only be charged if you have requested a pre-paid accommodation or if the cancellation policy hasn't been followed.

In most cases, the hotel will pre-authorize your card for the full amount of your reservation. On occasion, you may see an amount slightly higher than the rate shown on If this does happen, the hotel can explain why this has occurred.

Hotels reserve the right to pre-authorize your card, but this doesn't mean it will occur with every booking. Don’t worry, if your card is pre-authorized, both the hotel and your credit card company are there to help. They may also be able to assist you with removing these holds sooner.

Update your payment details on If your booking confirmation says the property will handle payment, you can contact the property directly. You'll find their contact info in your booking confirmation email or when you log in to For security reasons, never provide your credit card details by email.

The charge you see could be any one of the following:

Pre-authorization: A pre-authorization is just a validity check that temporarily blocks an amount roughly equivalent to the cost of your reservation on your credit card. The amount will be unblocked after a certain amount of time. How long this takes will depend on the property and your credit card provider.

Deposit or prepayment: Some properties require a deposit or prepayment at the time of reservation. This policy is clearly highlighted during the reservation process, and you can see it in your confirmation email as well. If your reservation allows for free cancellation, this amount is returned to you if you choose to cancel it.

Our Customer Service team is always there if you need help with a payment issue. You can go to to get in touch with us.

When you make a reservation, there may be instances where the hotel will contact your credit (or debit) card company to confirm that the card you are using is valid and hasn’t been reported lost or stolen. At this time, they may also check to see if the card has enough money to cover the transaction. This is communicated in the form of a pre- authorization for the full amount of your reservation.

The hotel, however, will not proceed with the charge. The time at which your card will be charged will depend on the terms and conditions of your booking.

To make a reservation via all hotels accept:

A.  Mastercard

B.  Visa

C.  American Express

Yes, always. uses a secure connection for your booking and personal data, and credit card details are encrypted.


Property Policies

You can ask the property about arranging a late check-out when you get there. It will depend on what's available at the time of your stay.

Check-in and check-out times differ for each property. You can find them in the "House Rules" section on the property page when you make a booking. If you already made a booking, you can see check-in and check-out times in your confirmation email and when you log in to your account.

You can check which facilities are included with a booking when comparing different options offered by a particular property. To see which facilities are available at the property itself, go to "Facilities" at the top of the property page.

If there are no rooms listed as "smoking rooms," it means that the hotel does not allow smoking in rooms.

Pet policies are always displayed on the property’s page under "House rules."

There are several ways to request early or late check-in:

You can specify your estimated check-in time while making the reservation.

You can manage your booking online to request check-in outside of the standard hours.

You can contact the property directly using the contact details in your booking confirmation.

It's important to remember that the property can't always accommodate these requests. They'll be happy to let you into your room early if possible, but there might not be anyone there in person to welcome you if you arrive late at night at a remote apartment. It's always best to check with the property directly and in advance to avoid confusion.


Extra Facilities

You can see if the property has parking under "Facilities" before making a booking. If the property requires you to reserve a space, contact them directly with the contact details provided in your booking confirmation.

Under "Facilities" on the property page, you can see a list of all the property’s facilities,

activities, and services.

If the property offers a shuttle service it will be listed under "Facilities". After you make a booking, you can arrange the airport transfer directly with the property. You can find their contact info in your booking confirmation. Remember to have your flight details ready because they'll need these to make sure the driver can find you at the airport.

If the property has luggage storage, you'll see it displayed on the property page under "Facilities." For more info about luggage storage, contact the property directly using the details provided in your booking confirmation.


Security and awareness

Social engineering is a tactic that scammers use. They pretend to be a trusted source to trick people into giving them sensitive personal data. Online scammers usually pose as well-known companies, then use a seemingly logical reason to ask for your personal data and payments.

Here are some security tips to keep you safe from online scams:

Phishing emails usually have spelling mistakes and convey a sense of urgency Need to contact us? Open a new tab and go to our official website

Get an email with a link? Hover the mouse over it to see if the URL looks suspicious, or if it's missing "https://" at the beginning

Remember: will never ask you to enter your credit card or gift card number via email, text, or phone will never ask you to share a credit card or a gift card number over the phone. If anyone tells you to pay by gift card or share a credit card over the phone—for any reason—it's likely to be a scam.

If you believe you were exposed to an online scam involving, contact us

as soon as possible. We’re here to help 24/7, so go to