Cancellation Policy


Sometimes unforeseen circumstances may arise, necessitating changes to your travel plans. To ensure transparency and fairness, these are some established cancellation policy:


Flexible Cancellation: Guests may cancel up to 24 hours before the scheduled check-in time to receive a full refund, excluding our service fee.

Moderate Cancellation: Cancellations made at least 5 days prior to check-in will result in a full refund, minus our service fee.

Strict Cancellation: A 50% refund, minus the service fee, is available for cancellations made at least 14 days before the scheduled check-in date.

Super Strict Cancellation: Guests must cancel at least 30 days prior to check-in to receive a 50% refund, minus the service fee.

Long Term Stays: For reservations exceeding 28 nights, a 30-day notice before check-in is required for a full refund, minus the service fee.


Can I cancel or change dates for non-refundable bookings?

While non-refundable bookings typically adhere strictly to their policies, the team encourages guests to reach out directly to discuss their individual situation. Depending on availability and the nature of the request, alternative arrangements such as rescheduling or credit options may be explored.

It's important to note that any modifications to non-refundable bookings are subject to availability and may incur additional fees. Guests are advised to contact the reservations team promptly to explore available options and determine the most suitable course of action.