
LaferiasPH.com is a travel and lifestyle website, founded in the Philippines and our mission is to provide you with access to discover and purchase different type of travel needs, local services and make it easier for you to experience the world.

LaferiasPH.com is here to help you fulfill more of your lifestyle aspirations, we also complete our offerings with a wide range of local attractions, a variety of transportation options, and incredible places to stay – from homes to hotels, and much more. As one of the world’s largest travel marketplaces for both established brands and entrepreneurs of all sizes, LaferiasPH.com enables properties around the world to reach a global audience and grow their businesses.

We believe that happiness may come in many forms for different people in different occasion. Therefore, with our credibility, we promise you an extensive choice to ignite your very own state of happiness. Whether you are looking for a glamping experience or staycation in 5-stars resort, a relaxing spa day or a thrilling holiday adventure, you got it all in one in Laferiasph website.

What are you waiting for? Wherever you want to go and whatever you want to do, LaferiasPH.com makes it easy and supports you with 24/7 customer support. Book that well- planned trip or have your first last minute getaway with us!



LaferiasPH.com (the company behind LaferiasPH.com™) is registered and based in the Philippines, ("LaferiasPH.com", "we", "us" or "our"), from where it renders an online accommodation reservation service (the "Service") on its website (the "Website"), and is supported internationally by its local group companies (the "support companies"). The support companies provide only internal support to LaferiasPH.com. The support companies do not render the Service and do not own, operate or manage the Website or any other website.

For all questions about LaferiasPH.com, the Service (i.e. the online accommodation reservation service) and the Website or if you wish to send or serve any documents, correspondence, notices or other communications in respect of LaferiasPH.com, the Service, the Website, or for press enquiries, please contact LaferiasPH.com directly.

Laferiasph.com does not accept or assume any domicile at any place, location or office in the world (also not at the office of its support companies), other than its registered office in the Philippines. The support companies do not operate and are not authorized to act as any form of process or service agent of LaferiasPH.com. No reservation can be made in or through the support companies.

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Adam Smith

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John Doe
John Doe

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